Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Presents

I decided to make aprons and a dress up trunk for my nieces and nephew for christmas. The trunk was for my niece and the aprons were for my boyfriends nieces and nephew.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Skunk Costume made out of recycled things!!!!!

Okay so my ex-sister-in-law,April, wanted me to make her little girl Bella a skunk costume for halloween!! In which I jumped at the opportunity and immediately had ideas for!! When I started getting ideas they were full body suits but April only wanted a suit with arms but no legs so like a little leotard. So what I did was I went to the Amvet Thrift Store and found a crushed velvet dress for a little girl and a womens black valore jacket. From the jacket I used the hood and front where the zipper was and from the dress I used the sleeves and back. I sewed elastic around the ends of the arms and the thighs. I made a flap from the dress to go over the front of the suit to hide the zipper. I put in my own draw string for the hood, and purchased white fur and a white fur boa. I sewed and hot glued the fur on and TA DA IT'S A SKUNK!!!!!

The tail I made out of the rest of the jacket and dress, I put cotton and a coat hanger in the tail to make it have shape. And I attached a string of fishing line from the tail to the back of the neck to make it stand up. If I was to do it again I wouldn't make the tail so heavy!!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Baby High Chair Harness

When my brother and I were little my grandmother made my mom a seat for the high chair to strap me and my brother in to keep us put!!! However as we got older my mom let someone else in the family borrow the high chair and we never saw the insert again!! So... now that my brother has babies now and my mom uses a high chair she needs something to keep those little boogers in place!! So I took the deminsions and made her one but I added cushion and an adjustable strap, and I also made a felted applique of a bird and flower for around the belly area!!! very cute and it works great!!!

Corner Dog Bed

Okay it's been a little while since I have posted any new stuff the first thing is a corner dog bed!!! I needed a little bed for Pickles in the kitchen that she could lay on while I cooked. So instead of buying one I remembered that I had a whole box of packing bubbles and styrofoam peanuts and I also had corduroy. So I decided to invent my own little bed where it was accident proof and washable!!!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

It worked!!!!

So my hobby/business is starting to take shape. I made my adorable ruffled tank top last night, however I didn't get to spend anytime with Mitch other than talking back and forth through the hallway about what he was watching on t.v. but anyways it turned out so cute!!! I wish that I wouldn't have cut the back of the neck the same as the front of the chest but I will know next time!! It was so much fun to wear it to work like I just went shopping last night or something!!! I can't wait for more things that I make to add to my wardrobe and collection for other people!! I am sooooo excited!!

Undies, Undies oh how they love the undies!!!

Well I was wanting to make some undewear and got the idea to practice my boyfriends(Mitch) old work t-shirts. So I took a pair of my granny panties and tore them apart to get a pattern. Funny thing about that is Hanes completely did a horrible job on cutting these out and sewing them, (we really should inspect what we buy.) Anyway so I just kind of made my own pattern using mine for something to go by at least. His t-shirt had a pocket on the front so I thought it would be so cute if I put the pocket on one of the butt cheeks. Awesome idea!!!! I put them together and sewing the elastic lace onto them and TADA new undies. I tried them on and they were actually just a little to tight on me because I sewed the elastic a little to tight. But practice makes perfect!!!

I was so excited to take the new undies to work and show my friends!! They absolutely loved them. Jodie had to bring in her boyfriends company t-shirt for me to make her a pair. Eargasm Audio/Video!!
And Barbara had to bring me her husbands BBQ business t-shirt that said Hawg Wild!!!
Way too cute!!! But Both turned out great! Barbara said they were the most comfortable undies she had ever wore. woohoo for me!!!

Just a little glimpse of a corner in my world!!

This is where all of the sewing is taking place. I'm really happy with the way it turned out, especially my hanging master piece of fabric organized by color!! hee hee

My own Dummy!!!

Okay so I have constantly been looking for a sewing mannequin but they are outrageous, if you didn't know!! So I came across this tutorial on the internet to make your own duck tape mannequin. Luckily my wonderful boyfriend wanted to help wrap me in duck tape, part of me thought it was sweet the other thought he was enjoying torturing me way to much!! All in all the dummy got done (the actual dummy not my boyfriend) and I was actually very very pleased with it. I ended up putting it on a a old coat rack stand with it wrapped around a old pillow for shape. However it keeps coming undone from the back seam so I'm constantly re-taping it.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


So coming soon I have been designing my own clothes,accessories, and kwirky things they will be on here shortly.